
To live vigorously and luxuriantly, to flourish

Much about MATCHA


In the Japanese culture, MATCHA has been referred to as “the ultimate mental and medical remedy and has the ability to make one’s life more full and complete”.

MATCHA GREEN TEA is a high-grade, finely ground, concentrated green tea that has been traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies for hundreds of years. It is made from ground up whole tea leaves making it more potent than standard green tea, which is consumed as an infusion and the leaves discarded.  In this concentrated form, the “green tea” health benefits of matcha are amplified!

Matcha’s rich green color is the result of high chlorophyll levels.  Chlorophyll is the “protein” in plant life, and closely resembles the molecules of human red blood cells. It is responsible for the process of photosynthesis, which creates energy through the absorption of sunlight.  Chlorophyll is one of the highest sources of magnesium and USABLE PROTEIN.  It is abundant in vitamins K, B and D.

Chlorophyll’s resemblance to human blood cells makes it an effective detoxifier.  It is known to aid in the elimination of unwanted toxins, chemicals and heavy metals from your body. Chlorophyll increases the blood’s capacity to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to cells within the body, which helps the body regenerate and cleanse itself at the cellular level. Consuming a daily cup of matcha is an easy way to incorporate detoxification into your everyday life.

With the help of chlorophyll, MATCHA contains magnesium plus a number of trace minerals manganese, vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, and K, and as a bonus;  ½ a teaspoon contains 306mg of protein.

Matcha is most prized for being rich in polyphenol compounds called catechins, a type of antioxidant. One study found that matcha contains three times more of the catechins called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) – an antioxidant linked to fighting cancer, viruses and heart disease – than other kinds of standard green tea.  According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the catechins in matcha green tea (EGCG, EGC, ECG and EC) are so powerful that they may actually help prevent cancer, potentially making match one of the top natural cancer treatment options out there.

The chemicals in green tea, especially EGCG and ECG, have substantial free radical-scavenging capability. They have also been proven clinically to protect cells from DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species.  Tea polyphenols have been shown to inhibit tumor cell development and induce cancer cell destruction in laboratory and animal studies.

The catechins in green tea activate detoxification enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferase and quinone reductase. These enzymes are praised for preventing tumor growth.  These same catechins also protect against damage caused by ultraviolet B radiation and improve immune system function.


  • Bladder cancer: A study of 882 women showed that the risk of urinary bladder cancer was significantly reduced in women who consumed matcha.
  • Breast cancer: A meta-analysis of multiple observational studies found that women who drank the most green tea had a 22 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer. Also, they had a lower chance of breast cancer consuming green tea compared to consuming black tea.
  • Colon and rectal cancers: A study of 69,710 Chinese women aged 40 to 70 years old found that green tea drinkers had a 57 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer. An inverse association with regular tea drinking was also observed for rectal cancers.
  • Prostate cancer: One large study found that Japanese men who drank five or more cups of green tea per day had a 48 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer.


According to National Institute of Mental Health anxiety disorders are currently the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18% of the population. Furthermore, anxiety disorders cost the U.S. more than $42 billion a year.

In 2011, alprazolam (Xanax) was the most frequently prescribed benzodiazepine—with about 49 million prescriptions written. Alprazolam, like other benzodiazepines, works as an anti-anxiety agent by binding to specific sites on GABA receptors in the brain to slow down heart rate and breathing, leading to a greater sense of relaxation.  This will further exacerbate the environment in which there is an apparent GABA deficiency.  Docking on GABA receptors to activate them without addressing the body’s need to produce its own will in fact create an addictive response to the drug.

Matcha naturally stimulates the body to increase GABA.  L-Theanine is a relaxing amino acid found almost exclusively in teas from the Camellia sinensis plant. By drinking matcha you can increase your levels of L-theanine and promote alpha waves, which lead to a state of relaxed alertness. L-theanine has been shown to benefit patients diagnosed with anxiety by increasing levels of dopamine and GABA in the brain.

Matcha contains up to five times as much L-theanine as regular green tea. Full-blown sunlight diminishes L-theanine while shading enhances it so the shading techniques farmers use when growing tea for matcha make it richer in L-theanine.

A special note; while the caffeine content is low in matcha, the alertness that is induced by being calm may keep one from falling asleep easily.  I have not experienced this myself having consumed matcha as late as 8pm.  However, I especially warn clients that already have sleeping issues.

The National Cancer Institute points out that matcha lattes, smoothies and brownies are not as healthful as a cup of properly brewed tea. That said, quality matcha in any form is most likely a healthier choice than say a “Betty Crocker boxed brownie mix”.

I add 1 Tbl. of matcha tea to this Raw batter recipe  and then scoop out balls and dehydrate like the almost bake brownies.


I also like making a semi latte:


12 oz. of hot water

2 tsp. of matcha green tea powder

1 tsp. of raw honey

2 Tbl. coconut milk

Whisk together or blend in a blender.

This recipe = 2 g. of protein

To prepare matcha the traditional Japanese way, measure the tea into a heated tea bowl (chawan) with a bent bamboo spoon (chashaku). Add hot but not boiling water – 70°C is about right – then whisk to a froth using a special bamboo whisk (chasen). This last step is what gives matcha its smooth and silky consistency.

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This entry was posted on July 5, 2017 by in Nutrient Values, Super Foods.

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